5 Mantras of Managing Work From Home Efficiently During COVID-19!

This is the time when we all have to stay strong and stay indoors to save humankind. Everyone’s mind is weighed with the concerns of coronavirus (COVID-19) at the moment. And, solidarity in a time of social distancing is the only key to survive right now.

But do not panic and let’s pull yourself together. It’s time to face the situation and fight together!

As we all know that the “World Health Organization” has declared the outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19) from an epidemic to pandemic and the government has declared the present situation as lockdown for the entire nation, all the businesses are now forced to manage their work with the assistance of a completely remote workforce. Everyone is working from home in the present-day scenario. And, we all know it is not that easy as it sounds!

No matter where you are working, you have to keep working so that the long-term plans of your organization will not get affected.

My colleagues and friends went crazy about how to manage their work from home as they have to face lots of distraction and on top of everything, they have to face boredom. But to keep the virus under control, we have to stay at home and manage our work from there.

If you are feeling disengaged and unproductive while working from home, here are some quick mantras that you can try:

It is true that working from home is truly bliss but every rose has its thorn. And in case of working from home, it includes several distractions. So, how well you can manage your work while being amidst diverse distractions.

  1. Yeah, it’s difficult but try to get up early likely at the same time you usually get up in the weekdays. It helps you in getting a motivation to work, which makes you more focused.
  2. Try to dress formally as your leisure clothes make you lazier and less focused on work.
  3. Plan your day’s work in advance and work accordingly. Do not spend unnecessary time on managing the work the entire day.
  4. Select a space that you can dedicatedly use as your workspace. Avoid working on the bed as it makes you lazy.
  5. Try keeping your phone at bay. Social media distracts you and hamper your work. Try avoiding your phone as much as you can while working.

These are the ways using which you can easily manage your work from home while getting distracted. So, stay home and stay safe!

Stay tuned for the upcoming blog “How To Manage yourself From Home Efficiently During COVID-19?”

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